In fact, a loan to buy a car does not always require a guarantor. Generally speaking, according to your own conditions, if you have a stable residence, a stable job and a stable income in Changchun to prove your repayment ability, then you don't need a guarantor. So these should be determined according to your actual situation.
Guarantee is divided into general guarantee and joint guarantee in law. A general guarantee means that you don't have to bear the liability for breach of contract for the debtor, and a joint guarantee means that the guarantor has to bear joint liability. When the debtor is unable to repay the debt, the joint guarantor will repay the rest. The general guarantee needs to be indicated in the guarantee, and the default is joint guarantee if it is not indicated. Generally speaking, the bank will look for the debtor first, and only when the debtor cannot be found or the debtor is unable to repay will it look for a guarantor. I hope it helps you.