Usually, whether it is an online loan or a bank loan, you must repay the loan on time after handling the loan, and there can be no overdue repayment. Moreover, in order to prevent overdue repayment, users should measure their income before borrowing, borrow when the income is relatively high, and borrow cautiously when the income is not high.
Nowadays, more and more people borrow money online. At this time, they must choose a formal platform to borrow money, such as Lending Treasure, Online Business Loan, JD.COM Gold Bar and 360 IOUs. When borrowing money, different platforms need different conditions. There are also differences in interest rates when borrowing money.
In fact, overdue repayment after borrowing through formal channels will also have an impact on personal credit reporting. If the personal credit information deteriorates, the subsequent application for a loan will be rejected by the bank. Moreover, after overdue return, the overdue records will be kept in the credit information for 5 years, and will disappear automatically after 5 years. If it is not returned, the overdue record will always be in the credit report.