Prepayment is generally paid in advance. It is money paid before receiving certain services or goods. When paying this money, users must know its usage rules and understand whether it can be refunded later. It should be noted that excessive prepayment may bring certain risks. Usually, you need to present the corresponding receipt or bill when making the prepayment.
In order to prevent users from not continuing shopping after paying in advance, they must think clearly before paying money to avoid regrets. In addition, users can compare different merchants when shopping to know who offers the best value for money, and then choose the one that suits them.
When purchasing a house, users will pay a portion of money in advance, which may be a deposit or down payment, but it must be distinguished. The deposit is a form of guarantee and has legal effect, while the deposit is a form of payment and has no legal effect. Be sure to distinguish clearly to avoid financial losses during the consumption process.
Users will use loans when buying houses on a daily basis, but they need to meet certain conditions when applying for a loan, such as being over 18 years old, having good credit, and having a monthly income that meets bank requirements, etc., and when applying for a loan It must be returned on time, and no late return will occur. Penal interest will be incurred after the due date.