After handling the loan, the borrower must repay the loan on time, and there can be no overdue repayment, otherwise loans overdue will default interest, and the overdue record will be uploaded to the credit information center. It is difficult to apply for a loan after personal credit information has deteriorated. Moreover, after overdue return, overdue records will be kept in the credit information for a long time.
The borrower can repay the loan in advance after handling the loan, but when repaying the loan in advance, he must pay attention to how long he has paid back. If the repayment time is more than half of the loan time, and the interest saved by prepayment is relatively small, there is no need to prepay at this time.
Usually, when applying for a loan, it is best to measure your repayment ability in advance and understand your income in recent years. If your income is relatively high, you can rest assured that you can borrow money. If your personal income is not much, you should be careful to borrow money at this time to avoid not being able to return it on time in the future.