Whether the loan can not be repaid depends on the actual situation of the lender. It depends on what kind of loan the applicant wants to apply for, how many loans to apply for and how long the loan application period is.
After the car loan is paid off, you can continue to borrow. The key is:
1, the applicant's credit history. How does an individual's credit record determine whether he can apply for a car loan? If he has a good credit record, he can apply for a car loan and vice versa.
2. The repayment ability of the applicant. Whether an applicant can apply for a car loan without paying off the loan depends on the applicant's repayment ability. If the applicant does not have enough repayment ability, he cannot apply for a car loan;
Therefore, you can apply for a loan to buy a car before you repay the loan, but only if the borrower has enough repayment ability and good credit record.
(Photo/Text/Photo: Lin Hong) @20 19