It is recommended to check with the administrator of the school student financial assistance center! If the school can't find it at the moment, please contact the provincial postal savings office and ask it to fax the bill (see your bank card, which is estimated to be the postal savings when you applied 10 years ago) or contact the county-level student financial assistance center and the provincial postal savings office to ask for the bill and fax it to the school. Finally, the school will verify the cause of the error again!
From the situation of more than 6,000 student loans I have handled, I found that the amount is "wrong", 80% is due to the school (the investigation is not detailed enough), 20% is due to the students (the situation is unclear), and the bank transfer error is 0! Of course, it does not rule out that banks will make mistakes!
Mauritius, an island country in eastern Africa, is located in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, about 800 kilometers away from Ma