Second, find a bank loan, the bank's interest rate is the lowest, and your repayment pressure will be the least in the future. You can negotiate with the formal online lending platform and reduce part of the repayment after the loan comes out. As for those who are irregular, forget it if you have money, and forget it if you have no money.
Third, find a part-time job, because your loan will not disappear, so you need to increase your income so that you can repay it as soon as possible.
You can search on WeChat, inquire on Feiyu and inquire about your loan details.
Enter information to find your own credit data, which come from more than 2,000 online lending platforms and UnionPay centers across the country. Users can find their own big data and credit status, obtain various indicators, and find their own personal credit status, online black index score, blacklist, online loan application record, application platform type, overdue, overdue amount, credit card and online loan credit estimated amount and other important data information. "