How to repay bank loans is more cost-effective, and the repayment methods of wage earners are fully interpreted.
Wage earners sometimes lack money, and it is inevitable that they will borrow money from banks. What is the most cost-effective repayment method? In order to keep their wealth, it is necessary for wage earners to know the ways and tricks of repayment. Generally speaking, there are the following repayment methods: 1. One-time repayment of principal and interest at maturity means that the borrower does not repay the principal and interest monthly during the loan period, but pays the principal and interest at one time after the loan expires. At present, China People's Bank issues personal housing loans within 1 year (including 1 year) in this way. 2. Equal principal and interest repayment method The equal principal and interest repayment method refers to a method of repayment of the sum of loan principal and interest in equal installments on a monthly basis. Because the monthly repayment amount is the same, it is simple and convenient, and it is suitable for customers whose families have a stable source of income throughout the loan period. At present, most banks use this method for housing provident fund loans and commercial personal housing loans. 3. average capital Repayment Method The average capital repayment method refers to a repayment method in which the borrower distributes the loan amount evenly throughout the repayment period, repays each installment (month), and pays off the loan interest from the previous trading day to the current repayment date. This method mainly shows that the monthly repayment amount decreases month by month, which is more suitable for borrowers who already have some savings, but the expected income may gradually decrease. 4. Equal ratio progressive repayment method Equal ratio progressive repayment method divides the whole repayment period into several time periods, each time period is more (less) than the previous time period by a fixed proportion, and each time period must repay the loan principal and interest with the same repayment amount every month. At present, banks often adopt this method. 5. Equal progressive repayment method The equal progressive repayment method is similar to the equal progressive repayment method, except that the "fixed proportion" of the agreed multi (small) repayment in each time period is changed to "fixed amount", that is, the loan principal and interest are repaid with the same repayment amount every month in each time period. 6. Increase capital and reduce interest. At present, the method of increasing capital and reducing interest rate is rarely used in China. The method of increasing capital and reducing interest refers to calculating the interest of each period according to the theoretical balance on the basis of the "average capital method", but the principal is returned from small to large.