In November 2020, currency exchange: 45,000,000 US dollars = 296,266,500 RMB.
The exchange rate between US dollars and RMB: 1 US dollar = 6.5885 RMB, 1 RMB ≈ 0.1518 US dollars. Therefore, currency exchange: 45 million US dollars = 296.4825 million RMB.
The U.S. dollar can usually be represented using the symbol "$", while the sign used to represent cents. The ISO4217 standard code for the US dollar given by the International Organization for Standardization is USD.
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On August 15, 1971, U.S. President Nixon announced the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and stopped converting the U.S. dollar into gold. The Bretton Woods system began to collapse. In order to overcome the chaos in the international financial market , major capitalist countries held repeated negotiations, and finally reached the "Smithsonian Institution Agreement" in December 1971.
The main contents include: the U.S. dollar devalued against gold by 7.89%, the official price of gold increased from U.S.$35 to U.S.$38 per ounce; the exchange parity range expanded from 1% to 2.5%, and the gold content of the U.S. dollar fell to 0.818513 grams. , the price ratio for "Special Drawing Rights" dropped from the original 1:1 to 1.08571 US dollars, equal to 1 "Special Drawing Rights". However, these measures also failed to prevent the deterioration of the US balance of payments deficit and dollar crisis.
On February 12, 1973, the US dollar devalued again by 10%, the gold content was reduced to 0.73662 grams, and the official price of gold increased to US$42.22 per ounce. The price of the Special Drawing Rights depreciated to 1.20635 US dollars, equal to 1 "Special Drawing Rights". European countries and other major capitalist countries have withdrawn from the fixed exchange rate system. The fixed exchange rate system has completely collapsed, and the US dollar exchange rate has become floating. At this point, the U.S. dollar no longer has legal gold content.
A rapidly disappearing class:
P&G: 8600, master's degree 9700, Ph.D. 10500 14 months, five insurances and one gold plus supplementary medical pension