As we all know, in addition to self-financing and applying for school scholarships to study abroad, the state also provides certain subsidies for students sent by the government to study abroad, which is very helpful to international students. Here I have compiled the funding standards for state-sponsored international students, hoping it will be helpful to you.
1. Subsidy standards for public study abroad fees in European and other countries
National and regional currency foreign exchange RMB conversion for high-level visiting general visiting postgraduate students
United Kingdom (London) British pound 800 750 750 700 1514.79 10604
UK (other) 750 700 700 650 1514.79 9846
Germany Euro 1200 1100 1100 1000 1029.34 10293
France Euro 1200 1100 1100 1000 1029.34 10293
Italian Euro 1000 900 900 800 1029.34 8235
Swedish Krona 7900 6900 6900 5900 110.64 6528
Netherlands Euro 1000 900 900 800 1029.34 8235 < /p>
Swiss Swiss Franc 1900 1800 1800 1700 624.36 10614
Belgian Euro 1000 900 900 800 1029.34 8235
Denmark Danish Krone 6850 5850 5850 4850 138.2 670 3
Greek dollars 900 800 800 700 764.97 5355
Russian dollars 800 700 700 600 764.97 4590
Spanish euros 900 800 800 700 1029.34 7205
Norway Norway Krona 8000 7000 7000 6000 126.85 7611
Austrian Euro 900 800 800 700 1029.34 7205
Portugal Euro 900 800 800 700 1029.34 7205
Finland Euro 900 800 800 700 1029.34 7205
Czech Dollar 700 600 600 500 764.97 3825
Irish Euro 1100 1000 1000 900 1029.34 9264
Ukrainian Dollar 700 600 600 500 764.97 3825
Romanian USD 700 600 600 500 764.97 3825
2. Subsidy standards for public study abroad fees in America and other countries
National and regional currencies High-visited general-visited visiting students Postgraduate students Foreign exchange RMB Conversion
U.S. Class I USD 1300 1200 1200 1100 764.97 8415
U.S. Class II USD 1250 1150 1150 1050 764.97 8032
U.S. Class III USD 1200 1100 1100 1000 764.9 7 7650
Canadian dollars 1400 1300 1300 1200 714.46 8574
Mexican dollars 600 550 550 500 764.97 3825
Brazilian dollars 500 450 450 400 764.97 3060
3. Subsidy standards for government-sponsored study abroad fees in Oceania and other countries
National and regional currency foreign exchange RMB conversion for advanced visiting students and graduate students
Australian dollars 1500 1400 1400 1300 633.78 8239
New Zealand New Zealand Dollars 1500 1400 1400 1300 564.78 7342
4. Subsidy standards for public study abroad fees in Asian and other countries
National and regional currency high-level visits and general training Foreign exchange RMB conversion for graduate students
Japan Yen 150000 140000 140000 130000 628.26 8167
South Korea USD 1000 900 900 800 764.97 6120
Singapore Singapore Dollar 1500 1400 1400 130 0 500.08 6501
Israeli USD 750 700 700 650 764.97 4972
Philippine USD 500 480 480 450 764.97 3442
Turkish USD 500 480 480 450 764.97 3442
Indian USD 500 480 480 450 764.97 3442
5. Subsidy standards for public study abroad fees in African and other countries
National and regional currencies High-visited general-visited postgraduate students Foreign exchange RMB Conversion
Egyptian US Dollar 500 480 480 450 764.97 3442
South African US Dollar 500 480 480 450 764.97 3442
Senegalese US Dollar 500 480 480 450 764.97 3442
Algerian USD 500 480 480 450 764.97 3442