The RMB exchange rate price is: 1 USD =6.8 RMB. On the K-line chart, the K-line goes up, for example, from 1 USD =6.8 to 1 USD =7.0, indicating that the USD is more valuable than the RMB, and the USD appreciates and the RMB depreciates.
On the contrary: 1 =6.8 USD to 1 =6.69 USD, the value of USD depreciates relative to RMB, and RMB appreciates!
The K-line rise you mentioned is aimed at the US dollar. K-line rise means dollar appreciation, RMB depreciation, and K-line fall means dollar depreciation and RMB appreciation!
List price of Euro: 1 Euro = 1.35 USD. The K-line chart shows the value of the euro relative to the US dollar, and the K-line rises, indicating that the euro appreciates and the US dollar depreciates. K-line decline means that the euro depreciates and the dollar appreciates.
To put it bluntly: on the K-line chart, 1 USD = how much RMB, while the previous 1 USD remains unchanged, the price of RMB is changing, showing the value of USD;
1 euro = how many dollars, the previous 1 euro is unchanged, and the following dollar is changing, showing the value of 1 euro.
I hope the above answers are helpful to you!