Before the currency 197 1 was decimalized, one pound was equal to 20 shillings; And 1 shilling equals12p. In other words, one pound is equal to 240p. Coins at that time were divided into:
Farthing (a quarter of a penny, where the penny refers to the old penny, the same below. The last casting was 1956, and the cycle ended at 1960).
Half a penny (half a penny, half a penny, last casting was 1967, and in August 1, 0969 stopped circulating).
A penny (a penny, last casting was 1967, 197 1, August 3 1 stopped circulation).
Three pence (three pence, that is, a quarter of a shilling, the last casting was 1967, 197 1, and August 3 1 stopped circulation).
Sixpence (sixpence, that is, half a shilling, the last casting was 1967, 1980, which stopped circulating in June).
One shilling (one shilling, finally minted in 1967, 197 1 year, can be used as 5p after the decimal of currency, and stopped circulating with the old version of new 5p coins at the end of 1990).
Two shillings (also known as Frohring, two shillings, the last casting was 1967, 197 1 year. After decimal currency, it can be used as 10 new penny, 1993 July 1 and the old version of new 65438+.
Half a crown (half a crown, that is, 2 shillings and 6 pence, and finally cast as 1967, 1970 to stop circulation).
Krone (one krone, that is, 5 shillings, the last casting was 1965, and the circulation stopped at 1970).
But you can also go to the foreign call community on the "trader" website, where there are many experts in foreign exchange gold, which may be able to answer your questions. . .