8. Balance of payments: a systematic record of all economic transactions between residents and non-residents in a certain period of time.
The influence of exchange rate fluctuation: the rise of a country's foreign exchange rate (currency depreciation) usually leads to the expansion of exports and the reduction of imports; A decline in a country's foreign exchange rate (currency appreciation) usually leads to a decline in exports and an increase in imports.
(1) Impact on import and export trade: 1. The decline of exchange rate and the appreciation of local currency are unfavorable to exports and favorable to imports; 2. The exchange rate rises and the local currency depreciates, which is beneficial to exports and unfavorable to imports. (2) Impact on basic flow: 1. The appreciation of the local currency and the decline of the exchange rate are conducive to imports, leading to a large inflow of capital; 2. The depreciation of the local currency and the rise of the exchange rate are conducive to exports and lead to capital outflows. (3) Impact on foreign exchange reserves: 1. The exchange rate of reserve currency will increase the real value of foreign exchange reserves; 2. The decline in the exchange rate of reserve currency will reduce the real value of foreign exchange reserves. (4) Impact on domestic interest rate level: 1. The rise of exchange rate is conducive to expanding exports, rising foreign exchange income, not conducive to imports, and falling foreign exchange expenditure. 2. The exchange rate declines, exports are unfavorable, foreign exchange income declines, imports are favorable, and foreign exchange expenditures rise.