For example, the original exchange rate was 1 USD =8.3 RMB, and now the RMB has appreciated to 1 USD =7.9 RMB. The export of goods worth $6,543,800,000 could have exchanged 83 million yuan, but now it can only exchange 79 million yuan, with a loss of 4 million yuan.
The devaluation of the local currency will benefit the country's exports.
For example, if the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar is 7: 1, then Americans can buy something equivalent to 7 RMB with 1 US dollar in China. With the depreciation of RMB, the exchange rate has become 8: 1, so now Americans can buy things equivalent to 8 RMB with 1 USD in China, that is, things become cheaper for them, so under the assumption of rational economy, things in China will become cheaper and they will buy more, so compared with China, their exports will increase.