Currency restrictions are limited to the listed exchange rate currencies published by Huaxia Bank, including US dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Swiss franc, Singapore dollar, Swedish krona, Canadian dollar and Australian dollar. For the currency of cash business, please consult the handling outlets in detail.
So how do you buy foreign exchange? You need to fill in an application form for individual purchase of foreign exchange, and apply to the bank with your valid ID card and the funds needed for purchase of foreign exchange. Domestic individuals can purchase foreign exchange within the annual convenient quota through Huaxia business outlets, mobile banking and personal online banking. Individuals who purchase foreign exchange within the annual total amount shall apply to the bank with their valid identity documents and the funds needed for purchasing foreign exchange. If there are objective reasons that need to be handled by their immediate family members, they should apply to our bank with the valid identity documents, power of attorney and proof of their immediate family members of the principal and the trustee.