The official exchange rate between North Korea and RMB is one to four, but the exchange rate between North Korea and the United States is one to one, which means that RMB is more valuable in North Korea than US dollars, but in fact, in terms of international purchasing power, the exchange rate of North Korea is one to twenty.
Although the exchange rate of RMB is 1: 8, the purchasing power in the world is 1: 4. However, in order to prevent the outflow of foreign exchange and the reduction of foreign investment, government agencies have been under the pressure of the United States to curb the appreciation of the renminbi.
The country is very knowledgeable in adjusting foreign exchange. If well regulated, it can make the national economy develop healthily. If supervision is not good, it will lead to the collapse of the national economy. At one time, Argentina had to adjust its currency to the dollar, which led to the paralysis of the national economy.