According to the agreement of the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund passed a resolution on April 29th 1977, aiming at avoiding manipulating the exchange rate or the international monetary system. The resolution stipulates three principles: first, IMF members have the obligation to avoid manipulating the exchange rate, manipulating the international monetary system, preventing other member countries from effectively adjusting the balance of payments, or unfairly gaining a competitive position superior to other member countries; Second, if the disorder of the foreign exchange market causes short-term interference to the currency exchange rates of member countries, in order to eliminate this disorder, the member countries concerned should intervene in the foreign exchange market when necessary; Third, such intervention should fully consider the interests of other member States, including the interests of the foreign exchange issuing countries involved.
Some analysts pointed out that whether a country is listed as a currency manipulator is more due to political factors, and economic and financial factors may take a back seat.