2. When these countries hoarded almost US dollars, the United States began to raise interest rates and began to recycle and destroy US dollars. The world dollar suddenly became less and the dollar began to appreciate. The appreciation of the US dollar has further led to countries all over the world selling their own currency-denominated property markets and corporate stocks, and then returning them to the United States in US dollars. The property market and stock market plummeted, and the national currency began to depreciate sharply. (The economic bubble began to burst)
In some countries, such as Turkey, Argentina, Russia, etc., sometimes their currencies will depreciate by 50% when they crash. What happened? Because when you have US dollar foreign exchange reserves, you can change your local currency into US dollars at any time, and US dollars can buy all the goods in the world. But when a country has no foreign exchange reserves of dollars, you can't exchange your own currency for dollars, so you can only buy goods from your own country. For example, Russians can only buy oil with rubles, while Turkey and Argentina can only buy agricultural products and minerals. So once a country has no foreign exchange reserves and its economy is not good, its currency will collapse instantly. (The economy has plummeted)
4. At this time, the property market and corporate stocks denominated in domestic currency have fallen to the cliff, but the US dollar has greatly appreciated. At this time, the United States will buy the assets of these countries with high-priced dollars, and then start printing money to buy them in buy buy (repeat step 1). After the disintegration of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, all Soviet countries, including Poland, began a miserable life after recognizing the US dollar as a common currency. Through the infinite cycle of receiving and releasing dollars, the United States has wiped out the hard-earned money of the working people in these countries, and the labor cost is extremely low.
Can the United States cut the world's wool like this indefinitely? What is his weakness? Under what circumstances can't this step be carried out? How to fight in other countries? If you want to know what will happen next, listen to the next chapter. @ jingjing jingjing