When you use a savings card or passbook account to receive overseas remittances, you need to inform the sender of this information. Tips: If you need to know the English information of the bank, please contact the bank to try to inquire.
SWIFT is also called "Global Interbank Financial Telecommunication Association", and all the member banks of this association have their own specific SWIFT Code, namely SwiftCode. In order to receive overseas foreign exchange remittance, you need to provide this code to the remitter.
Extended data
SWIFT Code (bank international code) is generally used for power remittance and letter of credit telegrams, and most banks have it, which is used to quickly process inter-bank telegrams. Big banks like Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank will also assign Swift codes with different suffixes to their internal branches.
SWIFT was established in May, 1973. Its global computer data communication network has operation centers in the Netherlands and the United States, and regional processing stations in member countries. 239 banks from the United States, Canada and Europe 15 countries announced the formal establishment of SWIFT, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China-SWIFT code
Icbc -SWIFT code introduction
Baidu encyclopedia -SWIFT