The depreciation of the US dollar lightens the foreign debt burden of the United States. The United States owes the world about 14 trillion dollars in the form of national debt. When necessary, the United States only needs to start printing presses and increase the supply of 10%. Then the value of this 14 trillion US dollar foreign debt of the United States will instantly depreciate by 10%, and at least10.4 trillion US dollars will disappear from the pockets of governments and people all over the world. To be exact, it has entered the American money bag, whether it is US Treasury bonds or foreign exchange reserves of US dollars in various countries.
The printing press in America is a double-edged sword. With a moderate printing press, the United States can indeed indirectly rely on the global debt of trillions of dollars, but it will never let the dollar collapse by diving in order to rely on all the global foreign debts of 14 trillion dollars. As a result, the foreign debt will be repaid and the American economy will be terminated.