It also includes man-portable communications, reconnaissance, navigation and survival equipment. The advantage of the design is the optimal combination of tactical-technical characteristics of each component.
The armament of the "Balmycha" includes the new 5.45 mm "Abakan" AH-94 automatic rifle, best suited for use by the Mobilized units, and the "Pechineg" machine gun. "machine guns. It is estimated that the use of new types of individual protective equipment ("Chest wall" bulletproof undershirts and "Britt-M" bulletproof helmets) can reduce combat casualties by 20%.
Specialized portable radio can guarantee "company commander - platoon commander - squad leader - individual soldier" between the open or secret radio communications, both with the "Drainage Bridge" radio contact, but also with the old-fashioned "crossbow" radio communications. The "crossbow" radio station.