Weather numerical forecasting refers to the process of predicting future weather changes through the meteorological information mastered by meteorological science, based on physical laws and knowledge of modern mathematics, physics, chemistry and other disciplines, using computer models. Through the weather numerical prediction can grasp the meteorological change law, for people's production, life and social and economic development to provide important meteorological services, is one of the important responsibilities of the meteorological department.
The numerical weather prediction values are analyzed and obtained from multiple sources of meteorological information such as meteorological observations, satellite cloud charts and radar data. After continuous model testing and actual forecast verification, the accuracy of numerical forecasts is constantly improving. At present, China has developed a variety of different series of numerical forecast models, and these models have been widely used in agriculture, transportation, water conservancy and other fields.
With the development of science and technology, the meteorological department is also constantly improving and enhancing the ability and level of numerical weather forecasting work. From the initial numerical modeling to the current application of big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and other technologies, numerical weather forecasting has come a long way. In the future, with the accumulation of technology and practical experience, the accuracy and coverage of numerical forecasting will be more extensive, bringing more accurate and reliable weather information for people's production and life.