You can't buy a car in installments with bad credit. But you can try to buy it in installments through an auto finance company loan. The formal bank, or credit company, for the credit requirements are very high, credit bad people, is not able to qualify for a loan piqiao.
When there are three consecutive months of late and a total of *** more than six late records in two years. When this happens, it is usually difficult to apply for a loan when you go for a loan. This time the bank will think that the person concerned for the repayment of the attitude has a problem, otherwise there will not be so many times late to pay back the situation. The fact is that there is exactly one overdue payment, and this is the time to apply for a loan, the bank will not give the person
loan. And if the overdue time to talk about the lack of time is too long, it will be blacklisted, if serious, and even be prosecuted such as borrowing a person's money, has not yet been paid off, borrowing and then borrowing money. Late these issues for the bank, just a reference to the person's credit. When the person inquires about their credit too many times, the bank will think that the loan to the person has a great risk, that the person is because they are in a hurry to replenish the financial gap, are trying to fill.