H is to indicate that the preceding number is in hexadecimal, which means 20H is 20 in hexadecimal, i.e. 32 in decimal
Binary is the same as decimal, each bit means, i.e., a power of the corresponding hex
For example, the binary number 101010111001=2^11+0 +2^9+0+2^7+0+2^5+2^4+2^3+0+0+0+2^0
Note: ^ means multiplication, i.e., 2^3, which is the third power of 2
Similarly, for the decimal number, 67089 = 6×10^4+7×10^3+0+8×10^1+9×10^0
Similarly for hexadecimal, 63H = 6×10^4+7×10^3+0+8×10^1+9×10^0
Similarly for decimal number, 63H = 6×10^4+7×10^4+7×10^3+0+8×10^1+9×10^0
Similarly, the same thing happens with hexadecimal. For example, hexadecimal number 63H = 6×16^1+3×16^0