1, Johann Sebastian Bach (German: Johann Sebastian Bach, March 21, 1685-July 28, 1750)
Baroque composer and organ, violin and harpsichord player, with the composer Vivaldi, Handel and known as the three giants of the Baroque. In the history of music and Mozart, Beethoven and flush. Bach is considered one of the most outstanding and important composers in the history of music.
Representative works: Brandenburg Concerto, Matthew Passion, Mass in B Minor, Collection of Piano Pieces in Mean Time
2. Georg Friedrich Handel (German: Georg Friedrich H?ndel, February 23, 1685 - April 14, 1759)
Composer of Baroque music, writing works in the genres of opera, sacred drama, odes, and organ concertos. Born in the Holy Roman Empire, Handel settled and became a naturalized British citizen, and his name was changed to the Anglicized Georg Frideric Handel.
Representative works: "Music on the Water," "Royal Fireworks," "Messiah"
3. Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Italian: Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, March 4, 1678 - July 28, 1741)
Nickname Il Prete Rosso (Father Redhead), was a Venetian-born Italian priest and composer of Baroque music, as well as a virtuoso violinist. Vivaldi is considered one of the most famous composers of Baroque music, known throughout Europe in his time.
Representative works: "The Four Seasons", "Gloria", "Ave Maria"
4. Arcangelo Corelli (Italian: Arcangelo Corelli, February 17, 1653-January 8, 1713)
He was the most influential Italian violinist and composer who wrote almost exclusively for stringed instruments. In the field of instrumental music, he occupies a very important position, and is known in music history as "the creator of modern violin technique" and "the father of the grand concerto".
Representative works: Christmas Concerto, 12 Sonatas for solo violin
5. Jean-Baptiste Lully (French: Jean-Baptiste Lully, November 28, 1632 - March 22, 1687)
Originally known as Giovanni Battista Lully ("Giovanni Battista Lully"), he was one of the most famous violinists in the world. Giovanni Battista Lulli) was an Italian-born French Baroque composer. He spent most of his life composing at the court of King Louis XIV of France, where he was the Surintendant de la Musique.
He controlled the musical life of France at the time, pioneered French opera, developed the Grande Chanson and the French Overture, and had a great influence on European music of the time.
Representative works: the comedy ballet The Nobleman's Enchantment, the opera Alceste
ReferencesBaidu Encyclopedia-Baroque Music