Moreover, HCIA certification can be divided into many directions, and the price in each direction is the same, unlike HCIP certification, which will lead to different examination fees because of different directions.
The examination fee of HCIA is not high. If you are only interested in obtaining Huawei certification, HCIA certification is a good choice.
However, if you want to enter the network engineer industry through Huawei certification or get better career development, then it is not recommended that you take HCIA certification.
Although its examination fee is low, what's the use of spending money to test a certificate without gold content and recognition?
Now even some small cities have begun to use HCIP certification as a recruitment requirement, and HCIA certification is useless.
So I suggest that you still take the HCIP or HCIE certification.
If you want to spend less money, apply for HCIP certification. The cost of HCIP certification is $300, and the examination form is similar to HCIA certification. You can also prepare for the exam by yourself without additional training fees.
Although the gold content and industry recognition of HCIP are much worse than HCIE certification, it is still much stronger than HCIA certification.
At present, many enterprises will take HCIP certification as a condition for resume screening, and having HCIP certification can greatly enhance the competitiveness of job seekers.
I have a lot of reference materials for HCIP certification in HCIE 1000, which can be collected by private mail if necessary.
Of course, if you want to have a certificate with higher gold content and higher industry recognition, then HCIE certification is the best choice.
Although the examination fee of HCIE is relatively expensive, and the experimental examination fee is as high as 8,000 yuan, it will never be disappointed to get HCIE certification.
Whether you want to find a job, change jobs, get a promotion and raise salary or improve your technical level, taking an HCIE certification can be achieved.
Generally speaking, the examination fee for HCIA certification is relatively cheap, only $200.
However, we should not participate in HCIA certification for the sake of low examination fees. HCIA certification has no gold content and recognition, and it is more cost-effective to take HCIP or HCIE certification.