1, Data Mining Engineer
Data modeling, machine learning and algorithm implementation; business intelligence, user experience analysis, predicting the loss of users, etc.; need to have strong mathematical and statistical skills in addition to the algorithms of the code implementation is also a very high demand
2, Data Architect
Requirements analysis, platform selection, technical architecture design, application design and development, testing and deployment; advanced algorithm design and optimization; data-related system design and optimization, requiring platform-level development and architecture design capabilities. and development, testing and deployment; advanced algorithm design and optimization; data-related system design and optimization, requiring platform-level development and architecture design capabilities. Chengdu Gamigu Big Data Training Institute, Big Data Development, Data Analysis and Mining.
3, database development
Design, development and implementation of database systems based on customer needs, connecting databases and database tools through ideal interfaces, optimizing the performance efficiency of database systems, etc.
4, database management
Database design, data migration, database performance management, data security management, troubleshooting issues, Data backup, data recovery, etc.
5, data scientists
Data mining architecture, modeling standards, data reporting, data analysis methods; the use of algorithms and models to improve the efficiency of data processing, mining the value of the data, and to achieve the conversion from data to knowledge
6, data product manager
The combination of data and business to make data products; platforms The platform line provides the basic platform and common data tools, and the business line provides the analysis framework and data application which is closer to the business
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