Python is easy to understand, easy to get started, and powerful. Except for a few fields, Python is almost omnipotent:
1. Web development
Django, the most popular Python web framework, supports asynchronous high-concurrency Tornado framework, short and concise flask, bottle, Django's official slogan defines Django as the framework for perfectionist with deadlines (to the effect, it is a high-efficiency web framework developed for perfectionists) )
2. Network programming
Supports the high-concurrency Twisted network framework, and the asyncio introduced in py3 makes asynchronous programming very simple
3. Crawler development< /p>
In the field of crawlers, Python is almost dominant, Scrapy/Request/BeautifuSoap/urllib, etc., you can crawl whatever you want
4. Cloud computing development
Currently The most popular and well-known cloud computing framework is OpenStack. Python’s current popularity is largely due to the explosion of the cloud computing market in recent years
5. Artificial Intelligence
MASA and Google Python was used extensively in the early days. Why has Python accumulated a rich scientific computing library? When the AI ??era came, Python stood out from many programming languages. Various artificial intelligence algorithms were written based on Python. After its PyTorch, Python became the leading language in the AI ??era. The position is basically established!
6. Automated operation and maintenance
Ask every operation and maintenance personnel in China, what languages ????are the operation and maintenance personnel must know? 10 people will give you the details The same answer, its name is Python
7. Financial analysis
Many analysis programs and high-frequency trading software used by financial companies use Python. Currently, Python is the most popular software in finance. The most commonly used language in the fields of analysis and quantitative trading
8. Scientific operations
Since 1997, NASA has been using Python extensively to perform various complex scientific operations. The development of many program libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Enthought libraries, etc., makes Python more and more suitable for scientific calculations and drawing high-quality 2D and 3D images. Compared with Matlab, the most popular commercial software in the field of scientific computing, Python is a general programming language and has a wider range of applications than the scripting language used by Matlab
9. Game development
Python also has many applications in online game development. Compared with Lua or C++, Python has higher-level abstraction capabilities than Lua and can describe game business logic with less code. Compared with Lua, Python is more suitable as a Host language, that is, the entry point of the program is in Python That end would be better, and then use C/C++ to write some extensions when necessary. Python is very suitable for writing projects with more than 10,000 lines of code, and can well control the scale of online game projects within 100,000 lines of code.
10. Desktop software
Although people rarely use desktop software, Python is also very powerful in graphical interface development. You can use the tkinter/PyQT framework to develop various desktop software !