Online To Offline (O2O) refers to the combination of offline business opportunities with the Internet, so that the Internet becomes the foreground of offline transactions, a concept that first originated in the U.S. The concept of O2O is very broad, as long as the industry chain can be involved in both online and offline, it can be commonly referred to as O2O. In 2013, O2O entered a stage of rapid development, and began the integration of localization and mobile devices, so the O2P business model emerged as a localization branch of the O2O model.
Big data, or huge data, refers to information that is so large that it cannot be captured, managed, processed, and organized in a reasonable amount of time by current mainstream software tools for the purpose of helping businesses make more positive decisions. In The Age of Big Data by Viktor Mayer Sch?nberg and Kenneth Kukier, Big Data refers to the analysis of all data without using shortcuts such as random analysis (sampling). The 4V characteristics of Big Data: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value.