The cdh version of hadoop usually uses the Kerberos+Sentry structure for data security.
kerberos is mainly responsible for user authentication of platform users, and sentry is responsible for data rights management.
Apache Sentry is a Hadoop open source component released by Cloudera that provides fine-grained level, role-based authorization, and multi-tenant management model.
Sentry provides the ability to control data and enforce precise levels of permissions on authenticated users and applications on Hadoop clusters.Sentry currently works with Apache Hive, Hive Metastore / HCatalog, Apache Solr, Impala, and HDFS ( Hive table data only).
Sentry is intended to be a pluggable authorization engine for Hadoop components. It allows custom authorization rules to validate user or application access requests to Hadoop resources.Sentry is highly modular and can support authorization for a variety of
data models in Hadoop.
For more information, see: /detail/19-bmgrkayojlbhoyz.html
Big Data Permissions Management Based on HUE Visualization
Sentry-Based Big Data Permissions Solution
Big Data Permissions Based on Kerberos+Ldap Composite Authentication
Kerberos Authentication Based Big Data Permissions Solution
LDAP Authentication Based Big Data Permissions Solution