Subjects studied in the big data major are mathematical analysis, advanced algebra, general physical mathematics and introduction to information science, data structures, introduction to data science, introduction to programming, programming practice, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, algorithmic analysis and design, computational intelligence of data, introduction to database systems, fundamentals of computer systems, parallel architecture and programming, unstructured Big Data Analytics, etc.
There are still more positions in the field of big data, especially big data development positions, which are now gradually covering the field of big data application development from big data platform development, which is the inevitable result of the beginning of the full-scale application of big data on the ground.
From the fall recruitment situation in 2019, the number of big data development positions is obviously more, and not only need R&D talents, but also need application talents, so the employment opportunities for this material students are also more.
Big data positions
1, big data system architect
Big data platform construction, system design, infrastructure. Skills: computer architecture, network architecture, programming paradigms, file systems, distributed parallel processing.
2, big data system analyst
For the actual industry field, using big data technology for data security life cycle management, analysis and application. Skills: artificial intelligence, machine learning, mathematical statistics, matrix calculation, optimization methods.
3, hadoop development engineer
Solve big data storage problems.
4, data analyst
Different industries, specializing in industry data collection, collation, analysis, and based on the data to make industry research, assessment and prediction professionals. In the work through the use of tools, extract, analyze and present data, to achieve the commercial significance of the data.
5, data mining engineers
Doing data mining to discover the laws from the massive amount of data, which requires a certain amount of mathematical knowledge, the most basic, such as linear algebra, higher algebra, convex optimization, probability theory, etc.. Frequently used languages include Python, Java, C or C++, I myself use Python or Java more. Sometimes use MapReduce to write programs, and then use Hadoop or Hyp to process the data, if you use Python will be combined with Spark.