a. EN enable: only one read/write function (i.e. MBUS_MSG) can be enabled at the same moment.
b. First read/write request bit: each new read/write request must be triggered with a pulse
c. Slave address: selectable range 1 - 247 (modbus address of the instrument)
d. RW Slave address: 0 = Read, 1 = Write
e. Addr read/write slave Select the data type to be read/written.
Data addresses:
00001 to 0xxxx - switching outputs
10001 to 1xxxx - switching inputs
30001 to 3xxxx - analog inputs
40001 to 4xxxx - holding registers
f. Count number of data Number of data for communication
f. The maximum amount of data that can be read/written by the Modbus master is 120 words (for each MBUS_MSG instruction)
g. DataPtr Data Pointer: 1. If it is a read instruction, the data read back will be put into this data area
Note: Each parameter applies to the data registers, which can be modified to provide multiple slaves with the same data. modification and can be provided to multiple slave calls.