妙手偶得 In the text, it refers to what a person with deep literary literacy gets by chance. The phrase comes from Lu You's poem "Essay": "Essays are originally made in heaven, and are obtained by a wonderful hand by chance."
Hammering Exercising; refining
Flat as a stone Flat as a whetstone
Weariness Fatigue, slackness
Subtly growing Secretly growing unknowingly
Arrogant Contempt of all things, but strong and unyielding
Sick and tired. Badly, sleepily
Strive for excellence Strive hard for excellence
旁逸斜出 Meaning (a branch) sticking out diagonally from the side of a tree trunk. 逸, escape, flee
不折不挠 比喻在压力和困难面前不屈服,表现十分顽强
婆娑 盘旋舞动的样子
虬枝 盘屈的树枝
贱视 轻之以
秀颀 美而高