Examples are as follows:
Import? Java . awt . event queue;
Import? Java . awt . flow layout;
Import? javax . swing . image icon;
Import? javax . swing . jbutton;
Import? javax . swing . jframe;
Import? javax . swing . jpanel;
Import? javax . swing . ui manager;
Import? javax . swing . border . empty border;
Public? Class? JButtonDemo? Extension? JFrame? {
Private? Static electricity Final? Dragon? serialVersionUID? =? 865 175526 1675396406 l;
Private? JPanel? contentPane
Public? Static electricity Invalid? main(String[]? args)? {
Try it? {
. setLookAndFeel(" com . sun . Java . swing . plaf . nimbus . nimbus lookandfeel ");
}? Catch? (Can you throw it? e)? {
e . printstacktrace();
EventQueue.invokeLater (new? Runnable()? {
Public? Invalid? run()? {
Try it? {
JButtonDemo? Frame? =? New? JButtonDemo();
frame . set visible(true);
}? Catch? (exception? e)? {
e . printstacktrace();
Public? JButtonDemo()? {
SetTitle ("button use"); //? Set the title of the form.
setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame。 EXIT _ ON _ CLOSE); //? Set the action when the form exits.
setBounds( 100,? 100,? 250,? 100); //? Set the position and size of the form.
contentPane? =? New? JPanel(); //? Create content panel
ContentPane.setBorder (new? EmptyBorder(5,5,? 5,? 5)); //? Set the border of the panel.
SetContentPane; //? Application content panel
ContentPane.setLayout (new? Process layout (process layout. Center,? 5,? 5)); //? Set the content panel to flow layout.
JButton? modifyButton? =? New? JButton ("modification"); //? Create button
ModifyButton.setIcon (new? ImageIcon(JButtonDemo.class
. get resource("/images/modify . gif ")); //? Add an icon to a button
content pane . add(modify button); //? Add a button to a panel
JButton? Delete button? =? New? JButton(" delete "); //? Create button
DeleteButton.setIcon (new? ImageIcon(JButtonDemo.class
. get resource("/images/delete . gif ")); //? Add an icon to a button
content pane . add(delete button); //? Add a button to a panel
Operation effect: