The data type of natural constant e is not defined in C++.
But they can be expressed by mathematical functions, but they cannot be expressed accurately, because e is an infinite decimal and the computer represents a certain value. If you use a mathematical expression to find this e on the computer, you might as well define it as a constant directly, with similar accuracy.
An algorithm is needed to calculate
# Contains? & ltiostream & gt
Use? Namespace? std?
int? Master ()
Double? e? =? 1.0;
int? n=? 0; ?
Double? u? =? 1.0;
n? ++;
u? =? u/n;
e? =? e+u;
} while(u & gt; = 1.0E-6);
cout? & lt& lt? “e? =? "? & lt& lt? e? & lt& lt?" ? (? n? =? "? & lt& lt? n? & lt& lt?" ? )"? & lt& lt? endl
Return? 0;