Let me try to answer this question:
Before we talk about Big Data, let's recognize two elements:
1. Information Revolution
About the starting point of the information revolution, I personally believe that it is the digitization technology, i.e., the digitization of information, the digitization of money, the digitization of goods or services, etc.; and then the collaboration triggered by the development of the Internet or the development of pan-connectivity technology, which brings about the shift from one-way to two-way interaction. collaboration triggered by interaction, then innovation triggered by institutions, policy environment (globalization and property rights determination) and timing, and finally greater development possibilities brought about by the accumulation of capital (physical and human), which facilitates a high rate of productivity and drives a high rate of increase in the economy, resulting in a significant increase in people's living standards.
2. Data flow
Like money, which is viewed first and foremost for its role as a medium of exchange and unit of valuation for goods and services, because it is held as the asset with the best liquidity, in the same way, the value of data is first and foremost liquidity. With the development of digital technology, Internet technology, Internet of Things technology, cloud computing technology, etc., the linkage and interaction between people and people, people and things, things and things is greatly facilitated, solving the problem of mobility, the value of the application of data to maximize the embodiment of the value of the data, which in turn makes the degree of data ownership become the core of competition.
Back to the question "big data in the contemporary development", I feel that the main experience of the following seven stages:
Data silos
Data interaction
Data applications
Data diversity
Data costs
Data efficiency
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Data cost
Data efficiency
Artificial Intelligence
Final Verdict: He Who Gets the Data Gets the World