This is the most comprehensive one! ! ! (All are Beijing time)
Sequence of matches Match date Match time Match city Score
1 June 10, 00:00 Munich Germany-Costa Rica
2 June 10th 03:00 Gelsenkirchen Poland-Ecuador
17 June 15th 03:00 Dortmund Germany-Poland
18 June 15th 21:00 Hamburg Ecuador-Costa Rica
33 June 20, 22:00 Berlin Ecuador-Germany
34 June 20, 22:00 Hannover, Costa Rica-Poland
Prologue Match Date Match Time Match City Score
3 June 10 21:00 Frankfurt England-Paraguay
4 June 11 00:00 Dortmund Trinidad and Toba Colombia-Sweden
19 June 16 00:00 Nuremberg England-Trinidad and Tobago
20 June 16 03:00 Berlin Sweden-Paraguay
35 June 21, 03:00 Cologne, Sweden-England
36 June 21, 03:00 Kaiserslautern Paraguay-Trinidad and Tobago
Sequence Match Date Match Time Match City Score
5 June 11, 03:00 Hamburg Argentina-Ivory Coast
6 June 11, 21:00 Leipzig Black-Netherlands
21 June 16, 21:00 Gelsenkirchen Argentina-Serbia and Montenegro
22 June 17, 00:00 Stuttgart, Netherlands-Ivory Coast
37 June 22, 03:00 Frankfurt, Netherlands-Argentina
38 June 22, 03:00, Munich, Cote d'Ivoire-Serbia and Montenegro
Game sequence, game date, game time, game city Match score
7 June 12th 00:00 Nuremberg Mexico-Iran
8 June 12th 03:00 Cologne Angola-Portugal
23 June 17th 03:00 Hannover Mexico-Angola
24 June 17th 21:00 Frankfurt Portugal-Iran
40 June 21st 22:00 Leipzig Iran-Angola
39 June 21, 22:00 Gelsenkirchen Portugal-Mexico
Field sequence, match date, match time, match city, score
9 June 13, 03 :00 Hannover Italy-Ghana
10 June 13 00:00 Gelsenkirchen United States-Czech Republic
25 June 18 03:00 Kaiserslautern Italy - United States
26 June 18 00:00 Cologne Czech Republic - Ghana
42 June 22 22:00 Nuremberg Ghana - United States
41 June 22:00 on the 22nd Hamburg Czech Republic-Italy
Field sequence match date match time match city score
12 June 14 03:00 Kaiserslautern Australia-Japan< /p>
11 June 12 21:00 Berlin Brazil-Croatia
27 June 19 00:00 Munich Brazil-Australia
28 June 18 21 :00 Nuremberg Japan-Croatia
43 June 23 03:00 Dortmund Japan-Brazil
44 June 23 03:00 Stuttgart Croatia-Australia
Field sequence Match date Match time Match city score
13 June 14 00:00 Stuttgart France-Switzerland
14 June 13 21:00 Frankfurt South Korea-Togo
29 June 19 03:00 Leipzig France-South Korea
30 June 19 21:00 Dortmund Togo-Switzerland
45 June 24 03:00 Cologne Togo-France
46 June 24 03:00 Hannover Switzerland-South Korea
Sequence Match Date Match Time Match City Score
< p>15 June 14 21:00 Leipzig Spain-Ukraine16 June 15 00:00 Munich Tunisia-Saudi Arabia
31 June 20 03:00 Stuttgart Spain -Tunisia
32 June 20, 00:00 Hamburg, Saudi Arabia-Ukraine
47 June 23, 22:00, Kaiserslautern, Saudi Arabia-Spain
48 June 23, 22:00 Berlin Ukraine-Tunisia
A1 Field Sequence 49 B2
C1 field sequence 50 D2
E1 field Sequence 53 F2
G1 Sequence 54 H2
49 winner
50 winners
53 winners
54 winners
Game sequence 57 6.30 23:00 Game sequence 58 7.01 03:00
57 winners
58 winners
Sequence 61 7.05 03:00
61 winners
Champion and runner-up
7.10 02 Final
Third and fourth place finals
61 loser vs 62 loser
7.09 03 :00
62 winner
Field sequence 62 7.06 03:00
59 winner
60 winner
Field sequence 59 7.01 23:00 Field sequence 60 7.02 03:00
51 winner
52 winner
55 winner
56 winner
B1 sequence 51 A2
< p>03:00D1 field sequence 52 C2
F1 field sequence 55 E2
H1 field sequence 56 G2