The second conditional query
When you want to use the where clause to query a student, you need to use the where clause. strong> When you want to find out in the table to meet some of the conditions of the rows, you need to use the where clause to specify the query conditionswhere
1, query the elective course number for the 'C1' number and grades select 学号,成绩 from table name where 课程号='C1' ; 1 2 3 4 2, query the student number, course number, and grade of students whose grades are higher than 85 select 学号,课程号,成绩 from table name where Grade>85 ; 1 2 3 4 3. Query the student numbers, course numbers and grades of students who have taken C1 or C2 and scored more than or equal to 85 points select student number,course,grade from table name where(course number='C1'or course number='C2')and( grades>=85) ; 1 2 3 4in
4, query the student number, course number and grades of the students who did not take C1, or C2 select student number, course number, grades from table name where (course number = 'C1' or course number = 'C2') and('C2') and('Grades>=85) ; 1 2 3 4in
4. where course number not in('C1','C2') 1 2 3like
5, query the teacher number and name of all teachers surnamed Zhang select Teacher number,Name from table name where Name like 'Zhang%' ; 1 2 3 4order by
sorting, often at the end of the statement, desc for descending, asc for ascendinggroup by & having &. count
having is often used in conjunction with group by, filtering the results of group by 6, the query elective more than two (including two) courses of the student's number and the number of elective courses select number, count (*) from table name group by number< /p> having (count(*)>=2) ; 1 2 3 4 5 7, for more than three courses (including three) and each course passes the students and their total grades, the query results in descending order by the total grades select student number, sum(grade) from table name where by student number, count(*) group by student number<
To determine the number of students and the number of classes they have taken
, select student number and the number of classes they have passed, select student number and the total grade of each course. from table name where(grade>=60) group by student number having (count(*)>=3) order by sum(grade) desc ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Program execution process: from table name, take out the whole table where filter out the grade >=60 group by will be selected, grouped by the number of students having filtered out the selection of more than three groups select in the remaining groups to extract the number of students and the total grades order by will be selected the results of the order by