Never had a loan business, never applied for a credit card, they did not have credit business with any bank or financial institution, so in their credit report, the credit record is blank, this kind of people we call credit "white".
White households are also categorized as "white households" and "pure white households," which means that the user has applied for a credit card or a loan, but ultimately failed to apply for it and applied for it for more than half a year, which is called "white households. This is called "white".
The inconveniences of being a white-collar user.
When applying for a loan, the reason why the institution has to review the borrower's personal credit report is that the lender needs to judge the borrower's ability to perform and repay through the borrowing and lending records in the credit report and the credit inquiry records, etc.
If the borrower is not able to repay the loan, he or she will have to pay for the loan.
If the borrower's personal credit report is blank, then the lending institution will not be able to judge the borrower's credit status from the credit report.