If you repay part of the loan in advance, you need to apply to the bank. The bank must agree with the user to repay the loan in advance, and the system will deduct the loan within the specified time. For loans with prepayment option, prepayment can be made directly. Users need to apply for a loan in advance, and the bank will review the application after receiving it, rather than having the result immediately. Take mortgage as an example, it usually takes one month in advance. Please be patient.
If the loan contract clearly stipulates early repayment, users can complain to the head office on the premise of meeting the conditions. If the head office doesn't handle it, they can also complain to the China Banking Regulatory Commission. When applying for prepayment, users can choose a relatively suitable time. For example, it is difficult to apply at the end of the year, because it is directly related to business assessment, so it is common to be delayed again and again.
If prepayment requires payment of liquidated damages, the related expenses are similar to repayment on schedule. Users can also consider repayment on schedule, and the prepared repayment amount can also be used for other purposes as needed, such as investment. Borrowers need to apply for repayment in advance. The bank will review the application after receiving it, instead of getting the result immediately. Take mortgage as an example, it usually takes one month in advance. Please be patient. If there are clear provisions on early repayment in the loan contract, the borrower can complain to the head office on the premise of meeting the conditions. If it is necessary to pay liquidated damages in advance, the related expenses are similar to repayment on schedule, and the borrower may also consider repayment on schedule. The prepared repayment amount can also be used for other purposes as needed, such as investment. Note: Don't pay back overdue, otherwise it will be a big trouble.