We can adjust many data in the game through the console, but my family may not know what administrative codes can be modified. Below we will bring you the administrative codes of Europa Universalis 4. What kind of introduction, players in need come and take a look!
Administrative Code List
global_tax_modifierNational Tax Modifier
production_efficiencyProduction Efficiency
stability_cost_modifierStability Cost
missionaries missionary cap
inflation_action_cost reduce inflation cost
interest loan interest
build_cost building cost
development_costdevelopment cost
global_missionary_strength missionary strength
prestige prestige rises
prestige_decay prestige decline
legitimacy orthodoxy changes
horde_unity tribal unity increased
republican_tradition*** and tradition
technology_cost scientific research modification
idea_cost idea cost
advisor_cost advisor Cost
advisor_pool advisory pool increased
tolerance_own religious tolerance
tolerance_heretic heretic tolerance
tolerance_heathen tolerance for heretics
heir_chance heir acquisition probability
enemy_core_creation enemy core creation speed
core_creation core creation speed
vassal_income vassal tax
religious_unityreligious unity
global_autonomy autonomy reduced
imperial_authority imperial prestige increased
free_adm_policy free administrative policy
possible_adm_policy possible administrative policy
years_of_nationalism nationalism years decrease
female_advisor_chance probability of female advisors
harmonization_speed religious integration speed
meritocracy annual meritocracy change
monarch_admin_power The monarch's administrative ability increases
max_absolutismmaximization of absolutist tendencies
yearly_absolutismannual absolutist tendencies
administrative_efficiencyadministrative efficiency
institution_spread_from_true_faith trend of thought in orthodoxy Spread speed in faith
global_institution_spread spread of ideas
embracement_cost Adoption of ideas cost
max_states direct state limit
church_power_modifierChurch power<
caravan_power caravan power
monthly_fervor_increaseMonthly focus
army_tradition_decay commodity output modification
adm_tech_cost_modifieradministrative technology cost
build_timeBuilding time
state_maintenance_modifier area maintenance fee
autonomy_change_time self-system change cooling