What documents do I need to prepare for a loan to buy a car?
Generally, the application materials needed to apply for car loan are \x0d\ 1. Identification materials \ x0d \ 2. Marriage certification materials: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, unmarried statement, etc. \ x0d \ 3。 Proof of local residence: fixed telephone bills, utility bills such as water and electricity bills for any three months in the last year, or other materials that can prove the address. 4. After the loan is issued, the full car purchase invoice (if not provided before the loan is issued) and the vehicle purchase tax payment certificate must be provided. \x0d\6。 Proof of repayment ability: \x0d\ Payroll customers can directly provide their payroll account flow; Social security account flow or personal tax bill, etc. \ x0d \ x0d \ proof of income and bank statement are proof of repayment ability. Generally, there must be at least one, both of which can make customers have high repayment ability and help to apply successfully.