Regarding the issue of bank loan repayment, regardless of whether the bank has value-added services of deferred repayment, we must try our best to repay on time. If the repayment date is exceeded, make up the repayment as soon as possible. Doing so is extremely beneficial. First, it may catch up with the bank's delayed repayment time. Second, the shorter the number of overdue repayment days, the more beneficial it is to personal credit. It is also overdue repayment, but there is a degree of overdue payment. How to measure the severity of overdue loan mainly depends on the following two aspects: 1. The number of overdue days. The number of overdue days is an important indicator to measure whether the loan repayment is seriously overdue. The longer the overdue days, the more serious the overdue; the shorter the overdue days, the more minor the overdue. When banks and other financial institutions examine an individual's credit profile, they will take care of customers who are overdue for a very short period of time (for example, within 10 days) and allow them to pass loan approval. Regarding bank loan repayment, regardless of whether the bank has value-added services such as deferred repayment, we must try our best to repay on time. If the repayment date is exceeded, make up the repayment as soon as possible. Doing so is extremely beneficial. First, it may catch up with the bank's delayed repayment time. Second, the shorter the number of overdue repayment days, the more beneficial it is to personal credit. It is also overdue repayment, but there is a degree of overdue payment. How to measure the severity of overdue loan mainly depends on the following two aspects: 1. The number of overdue days. The number of overdue days is an important indicator to measure whether the loan repayment is seriously overdue. The longer the overdue days, the more serious the overdue; the shorter the overdue days, the more minor the overdue. When banks and other financial institutions examine an individual's credit profile, they will take care of customers who are overdue for a very short period of time (for example, within 10 days) and allow them to pass loan approval.