Unsecured loans are actually personal credit loans! Under normal circumstances, personal credit loans are provided by banks. As long as your qualifications meet the requirements of personal credit loans, you can apply for loans! Elements of personal credit loan
1. Loan object
Commercial banks generally have strict rules for borrowers of personal credit loans. To apply for a personal credit loan, you must first meet the following basic conditions:
(1) China citizens who have a fixed residence in China and a fixed residence in local towns and have full capacity for civil conduct;
(2) having a legitimate and stable economic income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on schedule; Law-abiding, no illegal acts and bad credit records;
(3) Opening a personal settlement account in a lending bank (it is agreed that the borrowing bank will deduct the loan principal and interest from the personal settlement account designated by it);
(four) other conditions stipulated by the banks.