Since the loan is automatic repayment, you need to specify a bank card and open it before automatic repayment can be made. Therefore, in case the specified bank card is lost, you must reissue it as soon as possible. You can unbind it and then bind it, and then open automatic repayment. Don't forget, there must be enough money in the bank card, otherwise the automatic repayment will be invalid.
Second, it is unable to repay.
Many lending institutions will designate a bank card as the repayment card, which means that the repayment must also be this card. However, some lending platforms do not have such regulations, so in case the repayment bank card is lost, other bank cards can be bound, as long as the debts are paid off in time, which is subject to the regulations of the organization.
Third, reissue the bank card.
If it is confirmed that the bank card is lost, the first thing to do is to report the loss. It is suggested to call the bank customer service directly, freeze it first, and then bring your personal ID card to the bank counter to go through the usual formalities.
When you reissue the bank card, you can ask if you can reissue the insurance number, so you don't need to rebind it on the loan platform. If the new bank card number is different, modify the bank card on the loan platform after getting it.