When to deduct interest from bank loans depends on the time you agreed with the bank. Generally speaking, debt refers to the behavior that the creditor provides funds to the debtor to obtain interest, and the debtor promises to repay these funds on an agreed date in the future. Personal debt interest refers to the legal act that the creditor provides funds to the debtor, and the debtor promises to repay these funds and their agreed interest on an agreed date in the future. In other words, the deduction time is when you sign a loan contract and have an agreed repayment date with the bank. I hope it helps you.
Loan interest:
1. Loan interest rate refers to the ratio of interest amount to principal amount during the loan period;
2. The interest rate in China is managed by the People's Bank of China, and the interest rate determined by the People's Bank of China is implemented after being approved by the State Council;
3. The loan interest rate directly determines the profit distribution ratio between the borrowing enterprise and the bank, thus affecting the economic interests of both borrowers and lenders;
4. The loan interest rate varies with the type and duration of the loan, and it is also related to the scarcity of loan funds.
Note: The interest rate conversion formula for RMB business is (note: general deposits and loans):
① Daily interest rate (0/000)= annual interest rate (%)÷360= monthly interest rate (‰) ÷ 30; ② Monthly interest rate (‰) = annual interest rate (%)÷ 12.