1, credit loan. When a borrower obtains a loan with personal credit, the lender's credit qualification and repayment ability are usually used as the basis for judging the loan amount. Because there is no mortgage and no guarantee, it is risky.
2. Mortgage loan. The borrower needs to mortgage the collateral to the bank, and if the loan is not repaid at maturity, the bank has the right to dispose of the collateral for debt repayment. Common collateral includes houses, cars and so on.
3. Pledged loan. Securities such as certificates of deposit, insurance policies and treasury bills are used as collateral.
4. Guaranteed loan. If the borrower's loan conditions do not meet the requirements, friends and relatives with better qualifications can be used as guarantees, so that both the borrower and the guarantor will be responsible for the loan.
5. Discounted loans. When the borrower is in urgent need of funds, he applies to the bank for discount with the unexpired bills to finance.