Bank loans to buy a car, generally can not pick up the car on the spot. Cars are different from other commodities, but also need to go through insurance, licensing, car inspection and other procedures. It usually takes 7 working days to complete the application. Bank personal car loan process: car selection at the dealership-loan application-bank investigation and approval-car pick-up.
Five advantages of car mortgage loan
1, enjoy a lower loan interest rate.
As borrowers, we must know that the interest rates charged by lending institutions are usually complementary to the risks they bear. Therefore, while using high-value collateral to reduce the risk of bank loans, borrowers can often enjoy lower loan interest rates. At present, the annual interest rate of bank mortgage loans is generally around 6%. Compared with the high interest rate of most unsecured loans, the interest rate advantage of mortgage bank loans is beyond doubt.
Don't worry about the down payment of buying a car.
For car buyers, if they choose a credit card to buy a car, they have to pay at least 30% down payment, while mortgage loans are not. Car buyers don't have to worry about raising the down payment at all, and they can get a loan of up to 70% of the appraised value of the house.
3. Other people's houses can be used as collateral.
Even if you don't have real estate in your name, it doesn't mean you will miss the mortgage. Because you can also use your parents' property or the property of a third party as collateral, of course, the premise is that you need to obtain the consent of the mortgagor and obtain the materials of his consent mortgage statement before you can go through the mortgage formalities.
4. The longest loan period can reach 10 year.
The longest term of real estate mortgage loan can reach 10 year. For borrowers, the longer the loan term, the less the corresponding monthly pressure. Looking at the credit period of other loan methods, the longest unsecured credit loan is generally 4 years, while the credit card installment is only 3 years.
5, the choice of models is not limited.
Credit card installment payment is usually jointly launched with manufacturers, so the target models are limited. However, mortgage loans are not. Car buyers can choose their favorite models at will. To answer the buzzword "My world is my master".