For cardholders, knowing the repayment date of credit cards is one of the most important things. Among them, the interest-free period of the issuing bank is also one of the rules that cardholders pay more attention to. Under normal circumstances, the interest-free repayment period starts from the bank bookkeeping date to the due repayment date. So, when is the repayment date of ABC's credit card? The repayment date of ABC's credit card is the 25th day after the bill date, and the repayment date of each cardholder is different. Because the billing date of ABC credit card is assigned by the system, the billing date of each ABC credit card may be different. Naturally, the repayment date of each cardholder is also different. At present, the billing dates of ABC's credit cards mainly include 10, 13, 17, 20th, 23rd and 27th.
As we all know, forgetting the repayment date of credit card has the risk of overdue, so it is especially important to remember the bill date and repayment date. It should be noted that the billing date is different according to the different credit cards of Agricultural Bank of China, and the billing date cannot be modified.
The due repayment date of credit card refers to the last date when the cardholder should repay all the payable amount or the minimum repayment amount stipulated by the card issuer. The due repayment date of ABC's credit card is generally the 25th day after the bill date. The due repayment date of credit currency and Juhuitong is 19 days after the bill date. Please refer to each bill for the specific repayment date.
Agricultural Bank of China is one of the four largest banks in China, and its customer base is quite extensive. Many people will go to the Agricultural Bank to apply for a credit card. For example, when we use a credit card, we must pay attention to its repayment period. After all, repayment beyond the prescribed time limit will be overdue, which will affect credit reporting and cause bad influence. So, when is the repayment date of Agricultural Bank's credit card?
The repayment date of ABC's credit card is related to the billing date, and the repayment date is the 25th day after the billing date. In other words, if your ABC credit card bill date is 20th of each month, then the repayment date is 15 of next month.
However, it should be noted that the billing date of each ABC credit card is assigned by the system, so the billing date of each ABC credit card may be different, and the repayment date will naturally be different. The billing dates of ABC's credit cards mainly include 10, 13, 17, 20, 23 and 27.
If you want to know when the repayment date and billing date of your credit card are, you can directly call the customer service phone of Agricultural Bank of China, or log in to the online banking and mobile banking of Agricultural Bank of China for inquiry.