If you owe an online loan, you can pay it back as much as possible and try not to overdue it. If it is overdue, penalty interest and overdue fee will be charged. Once the online loan is overdue, the repayment pressure doubles instantly, and the overdue fee for online loans is generally high. There are many people who owe online loans now. Online lending is usury, don't touch it. Now the country is rectifying and standardizing the online lending platform and resolutely supporting it. No matter whether the money owed to the bank or the money owed to the online loan is not returned, they will not go to jail. Don't say that you owe 50,000 yuan. Even if you owe 1 10,000 yuan, as long as you didn't cheat when you applied for the loan, you applied for the loan with your real identity information. If you weren't cheated, you wouldn't go to jail. Online lending behavior belongs to the category of civil liability. If you don't pay back the money you owe to the online loan, the online loan company can only go to court to sue you for paying back the money. Even if the court orders you to pay back the money, if you refuse to pay back the money, the court will at most put you on the execution list of untrustworthy people, that is, Lao Lai, who people often say, and will not let you go to jail.
It is really a torture to borrow online loans overdue. If you can't borrow online loans, don't borrow them. You can pay it back if you borrow online. Don't let online loans affect your life. Don't worry that online loans won't go to jail, this one won't. Don't believe that online loans won't be collected in jail, just to make you pay back the money to scare you. As long as the information when you apply for online loans is true, no matter how much online loans you owe, you won't go to jail, and no one will not go to jail because you owe online loans.
The essence of internet finance still belongs to finance, and it has not changed the characteristics of financial risks such as concealment, contagiousness, extensiveness and suddenness. Strengthening the supervision of Internet finance is an inherent requirement to promote the healthy development of Internet finance. At the same time, Internet finance is a new thing and a new format. It is necessary to formulate a moderately loose regulatory policy to leave room and space for Internet financial innovation. By encouraging innovation, strengthening supervision and mutual support, we will promote the healthy development of Internet finance and better serve the real economy. Internet financial supervision should follow the principles of "legal supervision, moderate supervision, classified supervision, collaborative supervision and innovative supervision", scientifically and reasonably define the business boundaries and access conditions of various formats, implement regulatory responsibilities, clarify the bottom line of risks, protect legitimate operations, and resolutely crack down on illegal activities.